Thursday, February 4, 2010

MacBook Pro

this post is created by wahaj nazar

To build something truly different, you need to work in a truly different way. Apple designers and engineers work together through every stage of product development. It’s a partnership that makes innovation possible. And it’s exactly how the new MacBook Pro was created. With its breakthrough unibody enclosure, industry-first features and environmentally sound design, it’s a revolution in the way notebooks are made.

Until now, all notebooks were designed the same way. By assembling multiple pieces to create a single enclosure. But once you include all the necessary parts, you add size, weight, complexity and more opportunities for failure. Solving a problem like this required more than an incremental change. It required a breakthrough. To create the MacBook Pro, the design and engineering teams devised a way to replace many parts with just one. That one part is called the unibody — a seamless enclosure carved from a single piece of aluminium.

Of course, building only one part creates its own set of challenges. When you have multiple parts that are fastened together, tolerances don’t need to be perfect. You have wiggle room, both literally and figuratively. But when one part is responsible for many functions, it’s critical to manufacture that part with absolute precision, down to the micron. Every time. Millions of times over. There was only one way to achieve this level of precision: mill the unibody from a solid block of aluminium using computer numerical control, or CNC, machines — the kind used by the aerospace industry to build mission-critical spacecraft components.
When you pick up a new MacBook Pro, you immediately notice the difference. The entire enclosure is thin and light. It looks polished and refined. And it feels strong and durable — perfect for life inside (and outside) your briefcase or backpack.
There’s a story behind each part. Take the thumbscoop, for example. It’s the indentation that allows you to open the display. If the scoop is too deep, you put too much pressure on the display to open it. If it’s too shallow, you struggle to open the display. It may seem incidental, but if the thumbscoop is well designed, it makes the difference between a bad experience and a good one. The challenge of the thumbscoop was to create a crisply machined scoop that was still comfortable to use. The designers at Apple worked on hundreds of versions of the thumbscoop — even examining them under an electron microscope — to get it right.
The marriage of electronics and mechanical design makes the new MacBook Pro as advanced on the inside as it is on the outside. The internal architecture has been reengineered from the silicon up, with a cutting-edge logic board, chipset and graphics architecture.
MacBook Pro features the perfect balance between graphics performance and long battery life. Every MacBook Pro takes advantage of the power-saving NVIDIA GeForce 9400M integrated graphics processor, which delivers outstanding consumer-level performance. The 17-inch MacBook Pro and select 15-inch models double up the options, giving you both the integrated graphics processor and the powerhouse NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT discrete graphics processor. Depending on how much performance or battery life you need, you can switch between them easily.
Because Apple designs both the hardware and the software for the MacBook Pro, it’s easier to improve things like energy efficiency. Software tells the hard drive to spin down when it’s not in use. It tells the display and battery indicator lights to dim in low-light conditions. And it helps decide whether the CPU or the graphics processor would be best suited to the task at hand. That’s the kind of smart, integrated design that sets MacBook Pro apart from other notebooks.
Only Apple could make a notebook like this. Hardware and software. Design and engineering. Production and manufacturing. They’re all part of a single process at Apple. When you start using your new MacBook Pro, you’ll discover what that means. The light and sturdy unibody protects the components inside. The LED-backlit display — along with the graphics processor that helps power it — gives you faster games and a brilliant canvas for your photos, movies and more. The glass Multi-Touch trackpad feels as good as it functions. From the smallest detail to the biggest engineering breakthrough, the new MacBook Pro truly is the next generation of notebooks.

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