Friday, February 5, 2010

this post is created by wahaj nazar

CNet has an interesting post up detailing what we can expect in the next generation ARM processor. Just yesterday we took a look at the iPhone 3G's ARM 11 vs, the new iPhone 3G's Cortex and the difference was impressive — most impressive. Well, next year is promising a dual-core ARM Cortex A9…!
Icebike sent this in, wondering out loud: “Is it too soon to start speculating on 2010?” And the simple answer is “no, no it’s not!” It’s longstanding practice here at TiPb to wait a polite 1.372 seconds after a new iPhone model is introduced, and then begin with “So, next year–”
That spirit in mind, TiPb can’t help but wonder what this, combined with multi-core PowerVR GPU’s, wrapped up into custom system-on-chips by papermaster, thePA Semi team, and all those new SPU Groups toiling away in Steve’s basement, means for a 2010 iPhone? (No, I won’t call it an iPhone HD— yet!)

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